Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Time shifting local radio

If you live in a town of any size, you probably have a local radio station devoted to classical music. And some of these stations will have a program, broadcast probably one day a week, devoted to modern classical music.

These programs are not necessarily offered at a convenient time for listening. In my town, Cleveland, the local station, WCLV, has a program devoted to local composers called "Not the Dead White Male Composer Hour." It runs late Sunday night, after a Christian Science talk program.

If you happen to be listening, many MP3 players with an FM radio tuner included have the ability to record a sound file. But for many people, it will be more convenient to use a "radio VCR" and tape the program for later listening. I use a program called Power Record, available for a reasonable price from Blaze Audio. I taped Sunday's episode of the show, and duly listened to a group of recordings by l ocal composer Delores White.

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